Is a Bamboo Cutting Board Bad for You Knives? Getting a new cutting board? Which one is the best choice for your kitchen? Wood, bamboo, or plastic? More often than ever before bamboo is finding its way into people’s kitchens all across the country, but are...
Can Bamboo Go in the Dishwasher? If you own a dishwasher, it’s natural to want to run your dinnerware through a cleaning cycle, especially if you’ve just prepared a meal, ate dinner, or hoasted guests. But, can bamboo go in the dishwasher? Bamboo dishes...
Can Bamboo Go in the Microwave? Planning on reheating dinner? Choose something other than bamboo to put in the microwave. Don’t ruin your plates, bowls, cups, or utensils by exposing them to extreme heat. Bamboo can’t go in the microwave because the heat...
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