Bamboo is a great addition to every house interior, and it comes with a lot of benefits too. But for those who are both plant and animal lovers, is keeping and growing b8amboo safe for your pets?
To answer the question, authentic bamboo is one hundred percent safe for your pets–dogs, cats, and every animal in between.
Bamboo is made up of non-toxic components, therefore, it’s totally safe for your pets. It also contains protein and other nutrients, that may even be beneficial for them.
So, there’s no need for you to cut down your bamboos or place your pets for adoption because fortunately, you get to have the best of both worlds.
There are different types of bamboo, and those that are not actually bamboos but adopted the same name because of similarity in looks, like ‘lucky bamboo’.
For these, the answer varies whether they’re toxic or not, but for pure and authentic bamboos under the Bambusoideae species, they are definitely pet-friendly. Bamboos actually also have lots of benefits to them too, for your pets and even for you! More of that will be discussed in the next section.
Benefits of Growing Bamboos
While bamboo can be a great source of protein for your pets, it can also be an upholder for your own personal health.
Bamboo contains cellulose that stimulates your appetite, prevents constipation, and even improves your digestion.
Fresh bamboo shoots are also a good source of vitamins and nutrients like thiamine, vitamin B, and vitamin E.
To specify bamboo’s benefits for your pets, first, it’s a great source of protein. Newly grown bamboo shoots are rich in protein which you can let your pets consume for their daily protein needs. But of course, wash and cook them first to prevent bacteria and cyanogenic complications.
Like for humans, bamboo can be beneficial to your pets’ health too, as long as prepared and cooked properly.
These benefits include preventing inflammatory diseases like arthritis, stabilizing their cholesterol, providing them various vitamins and minerals, and making their immune system stronger. But again, take precautions in preparing and feeding bamboos to your pets just to ensure that they would actually turn out to be beneficial for them.
The two mentioned alone, tells us how great bamboo is and how beneficial it is for you and your pets.
This is, not to mention the stunning visuals bamboo offers, and the serenity, calm, and breeze it brings to your home. Bamboos are also very versatile that aside from being plants they have lots of other uses too, like furniture and bamboo crafts.
Lastly, growing bamboos also give significantly contribution to protecting the environment.
It lowers light intensity and light pollution, as well as protecting you against UV rays from the sun. Like other plants, it also gives off oxygen and intakes the excessive carbon dioxide present in our atmosphere today.
Other Bamboo Benefits and Facts
- The Bamboo (Bambusoidaea) family has over 1400 species under them.
- It is the fastest growing plant on Earth.
- Bamboo balances the oxygen and carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, as well as provides good ventilation.
- Bamboo is a good and sturdy replacement for wood and is a good material for making furniture and such.
- It reduces and prevents erosion and soil erosion which makes it a lot more helpful to the environment.
- Bamboo can be used in different ways: food, clothing, concrete, livestock feed (the protein benefit!), and many more.
- It can also tolerate extreme weather conditions that most plants can’t handle, making it very versatile and adaptable.
So, what’s not to love about bamboos? They benefit your pets, you, your home, and the environment.
The only downside is that you can only grow so much of them in such a limited space called home. But definitely, bamboos are a great addition to that and to the family you’re growing.
Bamboos are 100% safe and non-toxic for your pets! At the same time, bamboos are not only non-toxic but are one of the best and most beneficial plants you can grow.
So, for that plant and pet lover in you, bamboo is the way to go! Yay for Bamboo, yay for your pets, and yay for you! Continue the bamboo lovin’!
Bamboo Group is a collaboration of individuals who love the world’s most sustainable and eco-friendly natural material. We believe every home can benefit from the natural colors and patterns of bamboo. We’re excited to see bamboo grow in popularity and get the recognition it deserves. Years of experience growing bamboo plants have taught us a lot we want to share with the world.